Stories behind a Tattoo: MOTHER’S LOVE

Today in stories behind a Tattoo we want to talk about the Mother’s Love tattoo. When we think of this tattoo we imagine a tough, sullen and possibly bald guy with very black and hairy eyebrows. But even the baddest were children, and no matter how many teeth they are missing, they have a heart […]

Stories behind a Tattoo

Today in stories behind a Tattoo we are going to tell you the story of the Phoenix. This mythological bird is reborn from its ashes as this heat will die in November to rise again in February with all its majesty. In the section of Stories behind a Tattoo we have two generations: one that […]

Històries darrere d’un Tattoo: LA BANDERA PIRATA

Tots hem somiat (i alguns continuem fent-ho) de convertir-nos en pirates i solcar els mars en llibertat, buscant tresors i lluitant valentament amb un sabre corb i un lloro vermell a l’espatlla. Un dels símbols que més associem amb la pirateria a la nostra imaginació és la bandera negra amb la calavera i les dues […]

Solar Tattoos

With good weather comes short sleeves and beach days. In some places you can even fry eggs on the asphalt of the street, and since in our R&D department (Fun Ideas) we always think about the future of tattooing and eating a good fried egg, we present to you the novelty of this summer: Solar […]

Ideas for using temporary tattoos

In this post you can find some ideas to use temporary tattoos, both personalized tattoos and those you will find on our website. Food Companies Tattootatu tattoos are manufactured in accordance with European regulations EN71 and European regulations for cosmetic products. The manufacturing of the tattoos and the inserting are carried out with materials suitable […]


In a previous post we showed you the most frequent uses of decals based on the requests we received. Most of them were related to giving the tattoo a promotional function or to make some event even more fun. However, at Tattootatu we believe that temporary tattoos can have a practical function, and we are […]

Customize Temporary Tattoos

Temporary tattoos are a popular way to express yourself and add a personal touch to your skin without compromise. But do you know that it is possible to customize temporary tattoos to make them unique and special for you or your clients? In this blog, we’re going to explore the possibilities of temporary tattoo customization […]

Where to place a temporary tattoo?

Have you ever wondered where to place a temporary tattoo? Let me tell you that there are a wide variety of places to place a temporary tattoo, since it can be placed on different surfaces, and not just on the skin. That’s right, if you want you can place a temporary tattoo on your clothes, […]

How to remove a temporary tattoo in 4 steps

If you want to remove a temporary tattoo that you have grown tired of, you have different options, wait for it to wear out and remove on its own or remove it manually. There are different products with which to remove a temporary tattoo, but there are also products with which it is better not […]

How to put a temporary tattoo in 5 steps?

Tatuaje temporal personalizado de una sandía

Have you ever wondered how to put on a temporary tattoo? It’s easy and here we explain how. In the world of body art, temporary tattoos have gained popularity as an accessible and versatile form of personal expression. From special events to everyday life, these ephemeral decorations offer a unique opportunity to change your style […]

*Why 2-3 weeks? It is the time it takes for the tattoo layers to dry properly regardless of the quantity. Generally you can consider that an order will be delivered 3 Fridays after receiving the artwork.